15 Benefits of Green Tea, Prevent Cancer and Suitable for Diet

Healty - Green tea, has long been famous as a type of tea that contains many benefits. The reason is because tea is a drink that is high in antioxidants such as enzymes, amino acids, and polyphenols which are beneficial for supporting overall body health.

In addition, green tea also contains B vitamins, folate, manganese, potassium, magnesium, and caffeine. To find out in more detail, here we summarize 15 benefits of green tea, prevent cancer and are suitable for diet.

1. Reducing the Risk of Cancer

The first benefit of green tea is that it can reduce the risk of cancer. Green tea is high in antioxidants. This provides benefits to reduce the risk of various types of cancer.

Because it is known that oxidative damage contributes to the development of cancers such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer and antioxidants in green tea can counteract them.

2. Improve Brain Function

The next benefit of green tea is that it can be used to improve brain function. The active ingredient in green tea, caffeine, is useful for supporting brain function. The reason is that when caffeine enters the brain, it will block the inhibiting neurotransmitter called Adenosine.

In this way, neuron firing and concentrations of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and norepinephrine occur. The result, brain function will improve.

3. Improve Oral Health

The next benefit of green tea is that it can improve oral health. The content of catechins in green tea provides the benefits of green tea to support oral health and teeth.

Several studies have shown that this substance will kill the bacteria Streptococcus mutans in the mouth which causes plaque formation and reduces the risk of cavities.

4. Can Reduce the Risk of Diabetes

The next benefit of green tea is that it can reduce diabetes risk. Type 2 diabetes is an epidemic nowadays.

But to prevent this, you can use green tea as a solution. Research in Japan shows that those who diligently drink green tea have a 42% lower risk of developing diabetes.

5. Reducing Cardiovascular Disease

The next benefit of green tea that you can get is reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease including heart disease and stroke you can prevent by using green tea. Therefore, drinking green tea will increase the capacity of antioxidants in the blood which can then be useful to protect LDL particles from oxidation.

To get the maximum health benefits in green tea, make sure that you brew it properly and not add sugar to the processed green tea that you will drink.

6. Helps Mobilize Fat from Fat Cells

The next benefit of green tea is that it can reduce weight and mobilize fat in the body. Because to burn fat, the first thing that must happen is to break down fat cells and then transfer them to the bloodstream.

You can get this process from drinking green tea because it contains EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) and caffeine compounds.

7. Increase fat burning

If you want your fat to experience burning and decrease completely, especially when exercising, drink green tea. Green tea can increase the amount of fat burned when you are exercising.

This is evident from studies that prove that people who drink green tea before exercise burns 17% more fat compared to those who don't drink green tea.

8. Increase Metabolism in the Body

For weight loss to be successful, you need to have a good metabolic system. The next benefit of green tea is that it can support your body to have a good metabolic system. You can achieve this with the help of green tea.

9. Make Less Calorie Consumption

The next benefit of green tea is that it can reduce your appetite. The reason is one of the secrets so that your maximum weight loss is by controlling the number of calories you consume daily.

10. Eliminating Abdominal Fat

Abdominal fat is a type of fat lodged under the skin and is dangerous. Because this fat is associated with the appearance of inflammation in the body, insulin resistance, and heart disease.

The benefits of green tea for abdominal fat removal have been proven by several studies and the results if routine drinking green tea will be useful for burning fat significantly.

11. Treating Acne

The content of catechins in green tea makes this tea useful for treating acne. The reason for catechins is a compound that is anti-bacterial, helps regulate hormonal imbalances, and anti-inflammatory which is the cause of acne.

A 2012 study published in our Internal Medicine Investigative Dermatology concluded that epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), a component in green tea, helps treat acne by modulating intracellular molecular targets and inhibiting the growth of acne bacteria.

12. Beautifying facial skin

The main benefits of green tea for facial beauty is to beautify the skin. A 2003 study conducted by the Medical College of Georgia showed that consumption of green tea will remove toxins from the skin, heal blemishes and scars, reduce inflammation, and even increase skin elasticity.

13. Reducing Swollen Eyes and Dark Circles

The content of antioxidants and tannins provides the benefits of green tea to treat swollen eyes and reduce dark circles under the eyes. This natural substance helps to shrink blood vessels under the delicate skin around the eyes which in turn can reduce inflammation and swelling.

14. Prevents Aging

Another benefit of green tea is to prevent premature aging that occurs in the skin. This is because green tea contains polyphenols which help to neutralize harmful free radicals that can cause significant damage to the skin and accelerate the aging process.

15. Functioning as Skin Toner

The last benefit of green tea is that it can be used as a skin toner. The greens are believed to be able to attract the dirt left on the skin, reduce pores, and hydrate your skin.

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