Reveals 15 Types And Benefits Of Milk That Is Good For The Body

Healty - Milk is a nutritional supplement for the body to meet balanced nutrition. There are many types of milk out there that you can consume. Come on, know here the various benefits of milk and its kind that is good for your body!

This drink is not just a fluid intake but can be a complete source of nutrition needed by the body.

Even processed milk such as cheese and yogurt also has many benefits for the body.

So what are the nutritional content in milk?

Check out the explanation below.

6 Nutrient Content in Milk
Milk contains a variety of important nutrients including protein, calcium, flour, fat, lactose, and vitamin B1 and vitamin C.

The following is the full explanation.

1. Calcium
Do you know,

The highest source of calcium is in milk.

Calcium which is in this mineral group functions in the process of tooth mineralization and as bone forming material.

Therefore, calcium is undoubtedly good for bone growth and maintenance.

In addition, the calcium content in milk has the benefits of poultry that is, can make teeth become stronger, healthier, both in milk teeth, the period of adult tooth growth, even when it reaches adulthood.

Because, after teeth grow, teeth need a lot of calcium so they can develop properly.

2. Flour
Flour is another nutrient content in milk.

The function of flour is useful for the formation of hydroxyapatite crystals and prevents teeth from being demineralized.

Namely, the cessation of the process of mineralization and the bones or hard tissues of the body become fragile when the teeth are exposed to food or drink intake that tastes sour.

3. Protein
The protein content in milk is 3.2 grams.

Protein in milk is useful for boosting the immune system.

In addition, protein also has the ability to provide key amino acids to the body that are useful for forming body tissues and building diverse cells.

4. Fat
Another content of gisi in milk is the presence of fat.

Take it easy, the fat in milk is healthy fat which can reduce the risk of obesity and heart disease.

The fat in milk is liquid and the amount is about 3.5 grams.

A little more than the protein content.

5. Lactose
Lactose is a sugar that contains two elements namely, glucose and galactose.

Luctose content is still classified as a safe carbohydrate consumed by the body.

Without carbohydrates, the body will quickly feel 4L (tired, weak, tired, and lethargic).

Lactose is safe for diabetics because it is not so sweet.

6. Vitamins
In milk there are also some vitamins that are good for the body.

Vitamins found in milk include vitamin B1 and vitamin C.

Vitamin B1 is useful to help in converting carbohydrates into glucose which will produce energy for various functions in the body.

Besides it can maintain nerve function is also good for heart health.

While vitamin C can improve skin cell tissue, prevent rising blood pressure, improve eye health, prevent disease, and fight cancer cells.

Now that we know the nutritional content of milk, it's time to know the different types of milk and their benefits.

How many types of milk are there?

13 Types of Milk and Its Content
Launch from a Healthy Doctor, you should know more about the types of milk.

Therefore, the type of milk can vary from its source, processing method, to its benefits.

Of course, every milk has advantages and disadvantages of each.

1. Cow's Milk
The first type of milk is cow's milk.

Cow's milk contains calcium, protein, vitamin D, potassium, and phosphorus which are very good for the body.

The advantages of cow's milk are like lower calories and fat, higher vitamin B12, folate, and selenium content.

This milk is produced without the addition of micronutrients.

In one glass of cow's milk contains 300 milligrams of calcium which is equivalent to adult calcium needs.

2. Whole Milk
Type of pure milk is milk that does not undergo any processing.

This milk is the result of perahan cows that are not reduced or added to any ingredients.

However, after milking it will usually be filtered manually so that the dirt disappears.

Although the purity and nutritional content can be thumbs up, this type of milk has the highest fat content compared to other milk, which is around 3.25 percent.

This good milk for health has a higher cholesterol content because of its high fat content.

Well, because it is not processed, whole milk can not last long.

You must drink it immediately after milking and filtering.

3. Goat Milk
Besides cow's milk, goat's milk is also suitable for consumption by you.

The advantage of goat milk lies in its lower sugar, higher calcium content, magnesium, can meet your daily vitamin C needs by up to 5 percent.

Then, there is a high content of protein, vitamin A and potassium.

4. Buffalo milk
Buffalo milk has a fat content that is twice as high as cow's milk.

However, buffalo milk has a higher calcium and is durable if stored for some time.

5. Full Cream Milk
The next type of milk that is often consumed is full cream milk.

Full cream milk has more or less the same fat content as whole milk because basically full cream milk is pasteurized pure milk.

Although pasteurization is done, no fat reduction in full cream milk is done.

The pasteurization process that makes whole milk into full cream only causes a reduction in the water content in milk.

This makes the texture of full cream milk thicker.

6. Reduced-Fat Milk
Also called reduced-fat milk, this milk only has 2 percent fat.

The amount of fat from this milk is lower than full cream milk, so the calories are also lower.

Unfortunately the vitamin content is quite low which can be consumed.

7. Low-Fat-Milk
Unlike the less fat milk above, this low fat milk has a lower fat content, which is 1 percent.

Even though milk is less fat and low fat milk has less vitamin when it is processed, but ...

.... Some milk producers now have a way to be able to add vitamins again so that the milk nutrition is maintained.

8. Skim Milk
This type of skim milk is sometimes called zero fat milk.

The fat content in skim milk is not more than 0.15%.

The low fat content makes skim milk generally thinner than other milk.

Some skim milk producers might add solids or powder so that the texture of skim milk is not too runny.

These additives are generally also an additional nutrient in the form of protein and calcium extracts.

9. UHT milk
No stranger to the presence of UHT (Ultra-High Temperature) milk.

This type of milk is made by pasteurizing the milk process much higher than other types.

Milk is generally heated at 70 ° C for 15 seconds, while UHT milk is heated at temperatures up to 135 ° C for 1-2 seconds.

This high temperature heating aims to kill harmful microorganisms that may be present in the results of cows perahan.

After processing, the results of the coughing cows will be packaged in sterile cartons or cans.

If the packaging has been opened, the shelf life can only last within 3-4 days.

10. Soy Milk
Not everyone can consume soy milk.

Those who can't or don't like cow's milk usually turn to soy milk.

For example, children who are allergic to cow's milk, soy milk is usually recommended as a substitute.

The amount of soy milk protein is more or less the same as whole milk.

Another advantage of soy milk is low saturated fat content and does not contain cholesterol.

Unfortunately soy milk does not have adequate calcium content.

11. Almond Milk
This type of milk is legally based.

Almond milk has advantages in the form of high vitamin E content and low fat.

Meanwhile, the drawback is the lower protein content of cow's milk and the possibility of having a higher sugar content.

12. Flax Milk
Flax milk is milk made from flax seeds that are soaked and ground in water.

It contains calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium fiber, and vitamin B.

Its function can support heart health and increase immunity.

13. Rice Milk
This type of rice milk is very safe when consumed by people who are lactose intolerant.

Another advantage of rice milk is low fat and high carbohydrate.

However, rice milk does not contain cholesterol which makes the heart healthy.

7 Benefits of Milk for Body Health

1. Strengthen bones
The first benefit of milk is that it can strengthen bones because it is rich in calcium, phosphorus, and minerals.

Apart from bones, milk can help good tooth growth and can replace damaged cells.

2. Good for People with Anemia
The second function of milk is a good ingredient for the health of people with anemia.

Because anemia sufferers have less hemoglobin content.

Benefits of milk that contains iron which can help form erythrocyte cells with anemia.

3. Keeping the Body Fit
The benefits of milk for the body can keep it fit, you know!

Because, there is a magnesium content that can make the heart and several nervous systems under normal circumstances.

In this case, magnesium plays a role in overcoming fatigue from the day's activities.

4. Maintaining Heart Health
Cow's milk is a source of potassium which is potassium which can increase vasodilation and reduce blood pressure.

According to a study led by Dr. Mark Mark, director of the Hypertension Institute at St. Hospital Thomas in Tennessee, increased potassium intake and decreased sodium can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (heart and blood vessel disease).

The study showed that those who consumed 4069 mg of potassium per day had a 49 percent lower risk of death ...

.... The results of ischemic heart disease compared with those who consume about 1000 mg per day.

5. Prevent Diabetes
Cow's milk is rich in various nutrients and minerals that have the benefit of improving digestion and regulating insulin levels.

Therefore, milk is good for diabetics but, choose low-sugar milk, yes!

6. Increase Vitamin D
Consumption of cow's milk will enrich your body with vitamin D if taken every day.

Adequate amounts of vitamin D can support the production of serotonin, which is a hormone associated with mood.

In addition, the benefits of milk also function to support sleep patterns and increase your appetite.

7. Good for PMS Women
Other benefits of milk are very good when consumed during PMS periods to increase energy.

8 Benefits of Milk for Skin and Facial Beauty

1. Cleanser and Exfoliator
Besides being able to maintain a healthy body, the benefits of milk can have a positive effect on the face.

One of them can remove oil-soluble impurities with the help of fat-soluble lipase enzymes, impurities from proteins with the help of proteases, and dead skin cells with lactic acid.

Your skin will be softer and more radiant, you know!

The method is very easy and can be practiced at home.

First wet the cotton with milk, then rub it on the face.

After 5 minutes, rinse with water.

You can also smooth two pieces of papaya and milk later, apply a mixture of both on the entire face and neck.

Let stand a few minutes, then rinse with cold water.

2. Eliminating Acne
Another benefit of milk for beauty is that it can get rid of pimples.

Take one teaspoon of milk powder then add turmeric powder and lemon juice.

Mix evenly then apply to the entire face to the neck while massaging the face gently in a circular motion.

Allow 15-20 minutes then rinse with cold water until clean.

For satisfactory results, open the skin pores first before using this milk mask, with evaporation of the face using warm water.

3. Skin Moisturizer
Another benefit of milk is that it can be a natural moisturizer for your face with dry skin.

Besides that can increase skin elasticity too, you know!

The trick is to apply milk on the entire face and neck, let stand up to ten minutes, then rinse with cold water.

You can also mix two tablespoons of milk, one tablespoon of honey, and one tablespoon of lemon juice.

Apply to face and allow to dry for 10 minutes.

4. Brighten the Skin
Other properties of milk can brighten the skin by stimulating the decay of pigmented skin cells.

The trick is to mix two tablespoons of milk, one tablespoon of honey, and two tablespoons of warm water.

Apply to entire face.

Then, after drying, rinse with warm water. Vitamins, minerals, and proteins contained in it will make the skin bright and glowing.

5. Anti Aging
Milk can reduce wrinkles due to enzymes, proteins, minerals and vitamins contained in milk.

You can mix mashed bananas and a few tablespoons of milk.

Apply to entire face and leave on for up to 15 minutes.

Then, rinse with water.

This mask will disguise facial lines and also brighten the face.

6. Overcoming Burned Skin
Other benefits of milk for beauty can cool the skin.

Yes, milk can soothe burning skin with the help of anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, and other ingredients to improve the skin.

Only using buttermilk directly on the skin will make the skin feel cold and heal burning skin.

7. Shrink Pores
Sour cream and sour milk can help shrink pores.

If you have large, open pores, you can take sour cream and rub it on your face and neck.

No exception is only for dairy products, all types of milk can shrink large pores.

8. Smoothing the Face
In addition to the benefits of milk over the mineral and vitamin content in it can make your face plump, you know.

Your face will look healthy and springy if you routinely use milk.

How to make a milk mask is very easy.

Take 2 tablespoons of pure milk powder, then pour into a bowl.

Then, add 1 tablespoon of honey and vitamin E. capsules.

Stir until evenly distributed and rub on your face and let stand for 30 minutes.

Don't forget to rinse thoroughly!

Difference Between Vegetable Milk and Animal Milk
Types of milk can be classified into two parts, namely, vegetable milk and animal milk.

Cow's milk contains 8 g of protein - more than a boiled egg - along with 300 mg of bone calcium and 400 mg of potassium.

Animal milk comes in many varieties, from fat-free (skim) to fresh, organic and lactose-free.

Whereas vegetable milk contains like guar gum and tapioca flour are ingredients that are often added to plant milk.

Vegetable milk you can get from legumes and other plants.

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